This past weekend I was blessed with an opportunity to cleanse
" head cold". The mind was completely determined but the body needed rest and detoxification. It really is just another opportunity to surrender you see. Once I surrendered I was able to be back on my feet in two days back to teaching and being in the world. Even though the body was achy , tired, and a little congested I really had little symptoms and could breath through my nose the entire time. I contribute this to some of my daily practices and actions I took as soon as symptoms began.
1. Essential Oils : During the winter especially when traveling I always try and take a cup of hot water daily with a few drop of Thieves Oil. It makes a very warming aromatic tea . Legend has it that the oils of the medicinal plants in this combination are the herbs that the thieves wore around there necks during the bubonic plague. I also use two other oils R.C. and Ravensara both by Young Living Oil. I apply these two oils on my chest and bottoms of the feet after showering when the pores are still open.
2. Hot Lemon Ginger Water : Upon rising daily or all day long if feeling sick. To make: slice up ginger, pour boiling water over ginger and wait a few minutes before adding lemon so you don't destroy the enzymes. Then adding stevia, raw honey,agave,or maple syrup.
3. Jala Neti : Everyone is using neti these days it is no longer an ancient yogic secret. By using neti you wash away any viruses harboring in the nasal cavities and sinuses as well as allergens and mucous.
5. Emergen- C : You can drink this daily in water . When the body has a cold or virus I take six packets a day to kick it out of the system.
6. APR : This one of my Favorites! Great for sore muscles after class. I put this also into the bath for aches and breathe in the aromas of all the oils. It can be great for headaches to.
7. Humidifier : The air gets so dry during the winter. So keeping the air moist is just like keeping ourselves hydrated. I put essential oils of course in my humidifier . Rosemary,wintergreen,eucalyptus,camphor and peppermint are some of my favorites. You can just by a cheap humidifier. I use the inexpensive Vicks.
8. Compassion and Surrender: Most important don't be so hard on yourself if you come down with a cold or flu. So often when we get sick we judge our self the belief of not being good enough. The most amazing thing is that the body has the ability to cleanse when it needs to. It also gives us the space to re evaluate what is working and what is not in our daily routines. The ultimate lesson of all Surrender do not fight the body . Surrendering to simply what is will free up so much energy to heal and be radiant.
To Your Radiant Health ! xoLorie
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