1. Farm Sanctuary Watkins Glenn ,NY

2. Alone Time
There is nothing like a little alone time. A time to be quiet, go for a walk in the woods.Or sit in my meditation room with a yogic book in the papasan chair. I have even been known to go a movie by myself or out to dinner. Sometimes it is just nice to sit with yourself outside of Meditation and be anyonmous in the world. It re charges me and is part of my Sadhana that is just as important as any of the other parts.
3. Springs and Collecting Spring Water
I have been on the search for local springs for well over a year now. With to much plastic in the oceans and enviroment not to mention all the ill health effects of drinking from plastics I believe it's the way to go. I know what the water does to my skin that comes out of the faucets and it is surely chlorinated. I have found a spring that is quite nice locally and go fill up there as often as I can manage. You know you have a good one when there are always people waiting to fill up there jugs. Some of the people I have met there have been collecting water there for over 20 years! WOW! It is best to collect in glass jugs if you can get them from your local brewery or home brew store. There are also lots of great you tube videos on collecting spring water. Enjoy!
4.Dragon Bowls
Must say they have been a staple of my diet lately. I am also blessed to have my great friend Kate make them for me every week when we have an artist date in her art cave. Check out her blog!http://katesartandsoul.blogspot.com/
Go here for the great recipe and site
5. Fall
We are really lucky to have all four seasons here in CNY the weather is so unpredictable that it becomes predictable! The fall here for sure is the best! The colors ,suprisingly warm days and fall harvest of foods like kale, cauliflower,chards,and squashes makes it special here. Try to love all seasons be a Yogi remain the same wether hot ,cold,snow,rain or sun everything has a purpose and is perfect.
thank you lorie for a reminder to keep a love list going all the live-long day!